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Club Committee

Goals of the Hamilton Wado-Kai Karate Club


To provide equal opportunity for every member of the HWKC to participate in the sport of karate regardless of race, gender or social economic background of the member.


To provide members with the opportunity to qualify for national/international qualifications from the Karate New Zealand, World Karate Federation, or Japan Karate Federation Wado-Kai, or by any other group which the HWKC deem to be of value to its members.


To provide sponsorship for successful players and coaches and referees to enable them to reach the highest level in their chosen field within Karate.


To purchase equipment essential for the purpose of karate in order to meet safety requirements, and to enhance training methods for maximum performance.


To provide funds for the members of the HWKC to travel to and from, accommodation, and other travel and living allowances for karate tournaments, coaching seminars, referee seminars, grading and examinations.


Provide funds for maintenance, purchase or hire training facilities to practice karate or hold any related karate courses/seminars.



Hamilton Wado Kai Karate Club Inc. Committee:



Aaron Bailey



Zac Lyon



Thea Bailey

Eastlink Delegate

Thea Bailey


Committee Members

Jimileen Tamaki (Karate Instructor)

Alison Oliver

Eriko Masters

David Masters

Beau Parres

Julian Hudson

Frances Douch

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